Sunfeast Supermilk partners with Chennai Super Kings

Business MInutes

Sunfeast Supermilk from the house of ITC Foods, has announced its association with Chennai Super Kings (CSK), one of the most popular cricket franchises in the upcoming season. Sunfeast Supermilk will be the Official Strong Biscuit partner of CSK. 

This association brings together two “Super” brands of Tamil Nadu – Superkings, which is a fan favorite & Supermilk that has seen a very successful launch recently. With this partnership, fans are encouraged not to do a normal whistle, but to eat a Strong Milk biscuit & do a Strong Whistle for their favourite team.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with Chennai Super Kings . This association is a perfect match, as two Strong brands are coming together to provide a wholesome experience to consumers. We wish Chennai Super Kings the very best for a Strong win this season” said Mr. Ali Harris Shere, Chief Operating Officer, Biscuits & Cakes Cluster, Foods Division, ITC Ltd.

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