Appeal to Rail Passengers not to throw waste into Railway station yards and premises

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Mr. P. Ananth, Divisional Railway Manager, appealed to the passengers to support the Railways in its effort to keep Railway Station, trains and Railway premises clean. He made this appeal in connection with the World Environment Day celebrations. 

DRM stressed on the need for the co-operation of passengers in refraining from throwing wastes from stationed trains on to the yard. DRM added that the improvement in cleanliness level at Railway stations is achieved only with the co-operation and support of passengers. The major reason for the visibly clean environment at Railway stations, is probably the vigilance shown by the passengers in disposing the wastes only in bins provided for this purpose at the stations. Depositing wastes in the bins not only helps in station cleanliness, but it paves way for easy segregation and disposal of such wastes, thereby making the job of conservancy staff easier. 

DRM observed that such care however, is not being shown by the passengers while travelling or when the train stops at stations. Paper cups and food wastes with Aluminium foil containers are seen to be thrown out from trains and at stations, turning the Railway stations and yards dirty and unclean. Such thrown away wastes often fall into the open drainage, clogging the drainage system and forcing additional work to the conservancy staff.

Besides, the discarded packing materials such as containers, carry bags, etc., gets piled up at the station yard and approach roads. Possibility of these plastic and metallic materials coming into contact with the highly sensitive signal interlocking system controlling train operations, may affect the safety and reliability of the system.

In this context DRM implores passengers to use the waste bins provided inside the train compartments. The proper disposal of waste generated on train journey may help for better environment in general and in particular smooth functioning of Railway System.


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