CBC organised Outreach Programme on International Day of Yoga in Trichy

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Central Bureau of Communication Field office Tiruchirapalli under Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry organised Integrated Communication Outreach Programme on International Day of Yoga at Government Arts and Science College, Navalurkutapattu on Tuesday.

Field Publicity Assistant Thanjavur Shri K Ravindran in his welcome address said that the outreach programme was held in coordination with NSS and Youth Red Cross of Govt Arts and Science College and Vivekananda Yoga Centre Srirangam.

Shri K Devi Padmanabhan, Field Publicity Officer CBC Field Office Tiruchirapalli in his key note address said ninth International Day of Yoga is being celebrated on June 21, 2023 under the auspices of United Nations. He pointed out that this year the theme for Yoga Day is Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.  Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will lead yoga session on June 21 at UN headquarters on 9th International Day of Yoga. He pointed out that due to PM Shri Modi’s efforts United Nations decided to celebrate Yoga Day every year on June 21 from 2015 onwards. He spoke about summer solstice on June 21 which was selected as International Day of Yoga. The Yoga day aims to create awareness of yoga as exercise as well as ensuring mental and physical health. 

Dr J Lalitha, Principal, Govt Arts and Science College Navalurkutapattu in her presidential address said that students should be aware of benefits of yoga and exercises. She pointed out that nowadays students don’t go out and play which affects their physical health. She said Yoga is lifelong exercise to keep physical and mental health in good condition. 

NSS Programme officers Dr R Gunasundari, Dr Sreenivasan , YRC Programme Officer Smt G Maheswari rendered felicitation speech. 

Yoga masters of Vivekananda Yoga Centre, Srirangam Dr T Santhanakrishnan and Dr R Sridhar gave lectures on Yoga and performed various yogasanas. They performed various yogasanas like Tadasana, Ardhachakrasana, vajrasana, mandukasana, utkatasana They spoke about the importance of yogasanas to increase memory power and control mental stress. They urged students to regularly perform yogasanas and importance of meditation and concentration. 

Song and Drama registered troupe Chandratilaga Kalai Kuzhu from Thanjavur performed awareness programme. They distributed awareness pamphlets and notice on yoga.

FPA Tiruchirapalli Shri S Arunkumar rendered vote of thanks. Pamphlets and notices on Yogasanas designed by CBC, regional Office Chennai were released and distributed to students. Awareness rally by students on Yoga was flagged off at Navalur Kutapattu. 


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