Postal Department invites for Dak Adalat grievances

Business MInutes

Tamilnadu Postal Circle, Department of Posts, India will conduct a Circle level ‘Dak Adalat’ on 07.07.2023 (Friday) at 11.00 hours in the Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Tamilnadu Circle, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002. 

Chief Postmaster General, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai – 600 002 and Chairperson of Circle Dak Adalat will hear the grievances of Customers of Postal Department personally and redress their grievances.  Customers may send their grievances on Postal Services to Shri M.S.K. Gupta, Assistant Postmaster General (SB & FS), O/o the Chief Postmaster General, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai – 600 002 on or before 23.06.2023. Customers can also send their grievances through email to the caption ‘Dak Adalat’.

The grievances relating to postal services like delay in transmission of mails, Speed Post, Parcels, Money Orders and deficiency in service relating to Savings Bank, Cash Certificates and counter services will be covered.

The grievances regarding disposal of MO / Registered / Speed / VP / Insured  articles booked by the customers should contain full details such as, article number, date and office of booking, full address of sender and the addressee.  If the grievance is about the Savings Scheme or Postal Life insurance, Account Number, PLI Policy Number, Name and address of the Depositor / Insurant, Name of the Post office, the details of the recovery and any other reference of the Postal Department, if available, should be furnished. The above press release issued by Chief Postmaster General, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai.


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