TNAU conducted Hands on Training on Plant Tissue Culture Techniques

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The Hands-on Training on “Plant Tissue Culture Techniques” was organized from June 05 – 09, 2023 at the Department of Plant Biotechnology, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. A total of 32 participants had registered for the training and 30 participants took part in the 5 days training program. The training program included a series of lectures and hands-on-sessions. Twenty (20) % and 80% of the time was allotted to lectures and hands-on sessions, respectively. 

The training program was inaugurated by Dr. R. Ravikesvan, Director (CPBG), TNAU, Coimbatore, who delivered the inaugural address. Dr. N. Senthil, Director and Dean (SPGS) i/c and Dr. D. Sudhakar, Professor and Head i/c (Plant Biotechnology) were also present during the inaugural session. The first day of the training started off with a lecture on “Plant Tissue Culture” by Dr. R. Gnanam, Professor and Head (Plant Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics). 

Tissue Culture experts namely Dr. A. Suganya, Principal Scientist and Dr. Rekha R. Warrier, Scientist – F from the ICAR-SBI and IFGTB, respectively, gave talks on tissue culture in sugarcane and timer trees. The hands-on sessions included Basic Calculations, Preparation of Stock Solutions and media for different tissue culture methods, shoot tip culture in banana, Nodal culture in rose, Callus culture in Periwinkle, Embryo culture in coconut and few pulse crops. The participants were entrusted with preparation of stock solutions and media preparation for different tissue culture techniques. They carried out inoculation of different explants with their own media prepared during the first two days of the training. The valedictory session was held on June 09, 2023 with Dr. E. Somasundaram, Director (ABD), TNAU, Coimbatore serving as a Chief-Guest. The participants were requested to provide candid remarks on the conduct of the training program. The training program concluded with the distribution of participation certificates. 


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