Two days training on “Value Added Products from Amla’ will be held at Centre for Post Harvest Technology, Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on 14.06.2023 and 15.06.2023 between 9.00 A.M and 5.00 P.M.
Training will be given on the following processing technologies.
- Amla beverages - Squash, Ready to serve, Amla syrup and Plain juice
- Amla concentrates - Jam
- Dehydrated amla products - Honey amla, Candy, Supari and Powder
- Details for obtaining License for establishing fruit processing industry
Interested persons are requested to pay Rs.1,770/- (1500/+ GST 18%) - (Rupees One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy only) in person on the first day of training.