Faculty Enrichment Programme at Vivekananda College, Tiruvedakam

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The Faculty Enrichment Program Orientation on NAAC Peer Team Visit was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on Monday, October 16, 2023. The programme started with the college prayer Om sahanavavathu by all. 

The welcome address was given by Dr. P. Jayasankar, Dean and Controller of Examinations, Secretary Swami Vedananda Maharaj and Kulapathi Swami Athyadhmananda Maharaj gave their blessings to the gatherings. The principal, Dr. T. Venkatesan, gave a presentation on Vivekananda College's NAAC SSR. 

At the event, he also gave an elegant rundown of the college events. Dr. A. Satheesh Babu, IQAC Coordinator, presented an overview of the college's IQAC specifications. The resource persons are Mr. C.R. Anantharaman, Associate Professor and Head (Retd) Department of Sanskrit and Department of Applied Indian Philosophy, Vivekananda College, and Dr. R. Ilangao, Vice Principal (Retd), Vivekanananda College Tiruvedakam West, and Former Syndicate Member Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli. They made some fresh recommendations for strengthening the college and will set forth potential goals for the college's development and proposed some fresh ways to fortify it. 

Dr. A. Satheesh Babu, the Vivekananda College IQAC Coordinator offered a vote of gratitude. Dr. A. Kannan, Assistant Professor of Chemistry is a host. Then the program ended with prayer by Om Sarvebhavanthu. 


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