Mahatma Gandhiji Birthday celebrated in Trichy Vedaranyam Salt Satyagraha Memorial

Business MInutes

The birthday of Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhiji was celebrated at Trichy Vedaranyam Salt Satyagraha memorial on Monday on behalf of Tamil Nadu Vedaranyam Salt Satayagraha Awareness Movement. 

Vedaranyam Salt Satyagraha Movement State president Shri EM Arumugham presided over the function. Field Publicity Officer Tiruchirapalli Mr. K Devi Padmanabhan hoisted the national flag and garlanded statue of Mahatma Gandhiji. Nehru Yuva Kendra former Trichy District Youth Coordinator Mr. K Subramaniam garlanded statue of Rajaji. 

Mr. Arumugham in his presidential speech urged to follow the principles of Gandhiji in removing alcoholism and drug abuse.

Mr. K Devi Padmanabhan in his special address spoke about Gandhiji’s ideals of cleanliness Swachtha Hi Sewa. He said that Ek Thariq Ek Khanda Ek Satth First of October One hour Join together Swachtha cleanliness campaign was held on Sunday to create awareness about Swachtha. He said that Gandhiji had used Ahimsai as powerful weapon against British to get freedom and even now countries all over the world respect him as a great leader. He urged youth especially students to follow the ideals of Gandhiji. He pointed out that India is largest democratic nation in the world and because of Gandhiji’s ideals the nation is maintaining democratic status for more than 75 years. 

Mr. Subramaniam in his special address said that Gandhiji’s ideals have great importance. He remembered former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri and former CM Kamarajar. He said that Rajaji had led the salt satyagraha march to Vedaranyam from Trichy near TSS Rajan Bungalow. He urged people to remember the sacrifices of freedom fighters.

Vedaranyam Salt Satyagraha movement state general secretary Mr. P Paneerselvam, state vice president Shri Thangavel, District secretary Mr. Dharmaraj and others attended.  


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