Tamil Nadu Agricultural University signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Agriculture University, Jodhpur at Agriculture University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan on 21.11.2023 for facilitating Postgraduate Students’ Education/Research/Training.
TNAU is the recipient of Indian Council of Agricultural Research’s (ICAR’s) prestigious Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award and the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2023 ranked TNAU at 5th position in Agriculture and Allied Sector Category. Whereas, the Agriculture University, Jodhpur is an ICAR accredited University having strong teaching, research and extension setup to envisage agricultural development in the various parts of Rajasthan through its different units.
The parties having discussed fields of common research interests and allied activities between the two institutions have decided to enter into long-term collaboration for promotion of students’ training and quality postgraduate research in potential area of common kharif crops like pearl millet, mung bean, castor, sesame and also joint research in spices like cumin, fenugreek, and chenna. Moreover, students exposure visit, joint research work and course content sharing through blended learning are the possible areas of mutual interest at Vice-Chancellors discussion during the MoU signing ceremony at Jodhpur.
Dr.B.R.Choudhary, Vice-Chancellor, Agricultural University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan and Dr.V.Geethalakshmi, Vice-Chancellor, TNAU, Coimbatore exchanged the MoU where they remarked about the essentiality of this academic collaboration and the way forward. Dr.N.Senthil, Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies, TNAU was present during the MoU exchange. In addition, Dr.Sitaram Kumhar, Director Research, Dr.Ishwar Singh, Director (Extension Education), Dr.V.S.Jaitwat, Director (Student Welfare), Dr.S.D. Ratnoo, Director (HRD), Dr.J.R.Verma, Director (PME), Dean's and Zonal Director (Research) and other Faculty members from the Agricultural University, Jodhpur attended the exchange ceremony and graced the occasion.