The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) sponsored “Bioenergy Programme” is functioning at Biogas Development and Training Centre (BDTC), Department of Renewable Energy Engineering (DREE), Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute (AEC&RI), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. The four days (11.03.2024 to 14.03.2024) staff training programme on “Biogas Technology for Sustainable Fuel and Organic Manure” was part of the training activities of the centre and staff training was inaugurated on 11.03.2024.
Dr.R.Mahendiran, Professor welcomed the gathering. Dr.A.Raviraj, Dean (Agrl. Engg.), chaired the inaugural session. He emphasized the significance of recent developments in biogas technology and their applications. During his inaugural address he also motivated the trainees to pursue biogas technology as a pathway to sustainability in achieving energy demand and pollution free environment.
Professor and Head cum Coordinator-BDTC, Dr.D.Ramesh, highlighted the overview of BDTC training and elaborated the significance of the training programme in developing skilled staff in the field of biogas. Participants from various districts of Tamil Nadu attended programme, and Dr.V.Palaniselvam, Professor (Bioenergy) expressed gratitude by delivering the vote of thanks.