Colgate announced the launch of renewed Colgate Active Salt

Business MInutes

Colgate-Palmolive Limited, the leader in oral care, announces the launch of the renewed Colgate Active Salt with a new campaign, setting a new benchmark in oral hygiene solutions with an improved formula that tackles oral problems right at their inception. The campaign has been rolled out in Southern and Eastern markets , across television, digital and other media platforms. Colgate Active Salt is available nationwide through both online and offline channels.

The ad film aims to underscore the importance of proactive oral care in an engaging manner, featuring a victorious politician, riding high on his recent win, is abruptly interrupted by a toothache after indulging in celebratory sweets. The events that unfold thereafter serve as a vivid reminder that oral discomfort can strike unexpectedly but with Colgate Active Salt, you can say goodbye to pain and fear!

Speaking on the launch, Ayan Guha, Senior Marketing Manager at Colgate-Palmolive India, said, "By unveiling the upgraded Colgate Active Salt, we celebrate the timeless wisdom ingrained in the power of salt, enhanced by Colgate’s science-led approach. Supported by a new campaign, we continue the journey of dramatic Colgate Active Salt advertising that has made the brand iconic over two decades.”

Juneston Mathana, Executive Creative Director at WPP@CP, added, “Whoever says they don’t fear the consequences of dental pain is clearly lying. We’ve all felt it, we’ve all feared it. It’s a pain that sends shivers down the spines of the most powerful people out there. This idea got our director, Harshik Suraiya, excited because it exposes our vulnerabilities in a relatable and light-hearted way.”


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