The prestigious Inspire Fellowships supported by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, were bagged by fifteen TNAU students from various disciplines. The fellowship is for five years with financial assistance of Rs. 37,000 per month, in addition to an annual contingency allowance for taking up research work.
The Research scholars of Agronomy, Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology, Agricultural Meteorology, Agricultural Entomology, Agricultural Machinery and Energy Technology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Silviculture and Resource Management, Seed Science and Technology and Genetics and Plant Breeding received the fellowship.
To honour the successful research scholars who were awarded with fellowship, the School of Post Graduate Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore organized a felicitation meeting under the chairmanship of the Vice-Chancellor on 25.04.2023 at Anna Auditorium.
Dr.N.Senthil, Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies, welcomed the gathering. He narrated the various types of scholarships available to the research students of TNAU. To motivate and encourage research among postgraduate and doctoral students, TNAU organizes annual think tank meetings to scrutinize research topics and approve advisory committees much earlier as soon as the scholar registers for research credits, which makes it easier for students to prepare successful proposals for various funding agencies.
Dr.V.Geethalakshmi, Vice-Chancellor, in his presidential address, congratulated the students who received DST-Inspire fellowships for the year 2024, as well as their mentors and technical directors. For the information of the students, she provided a detailed explanation of the INSPIRE program. The INSPIRE scheme (for students aged 22-27) offers 1000 fellowships every year in both basic and applied sciences, including engineering and medicine.
Further, she indicated that three important components must be addressed to apply for the fellowship viz., the CV of the student and mentor as well as the winning proposal.
Dr.R.Ravikesavan, Director, Center for Plant Breeding and Genetics, Dr.Umarani, Director, Seed Center, Dr.Kalarani, Director, Crop Management, Dr.Balasubramaniam, Director, Natural Resource Management, Dr.A.Raviraj, Dean, Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute and more than 500 postgraduate and Doctoral students, the mentors of the scholarship holders and university officers took part in the meeting.
Dr.K.N. Ganesan, Professor, Office of SPGS, proposed the vote of thanks.