ICL Fincorp, one of India's fastest-growing non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), proudly inaugurated its new registered office in Ashok Nagar, Chennai. The new office, located on 4th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, was officially opened by Adv. K. G. Anilkumar, Chairman and
Managing Director (CMD) of ICL Fincorp, on Monday, August 26th. The ceremony was graced by the presence of chief guest Uma Anilkumar, Whole-time Director and CEO of ICL Fincorp.
ICL Fincorp has been operating across India for more than three decades, working closely with communities in the financial services sector to ensure prosperity for all. Prioritizing customer needs, the innovative schemes introduced by ICL Fincorp over the years have consistently won the hearts of the people. The brand has a strong presence in Kerala & Tamil Nadu and is planning further expansions in Tamil Nadu. In addition to this, ICL Fincorp has expanded its footprint to Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Odisha, Maharashtra, and Gujarat.
With over 300 branches nationwide and plans to open even more, ICL Fincorp is rapidly growing. The company has established over 100 branches in Tamil Nadu. The company aims to continue its expansion, establishing a pan-India presence in the coming years.