BIS Chennai Honoured Business Minutes in World Standards Day 2024 programme

Business MInutes

Bureau of Indian Standards,Chennai Branch Office On 22 Oct 2024 (TUESDAY) , conducted the WSD 2024 Programme [Manak Mahotsav] at Hotel Regency Sameera GRT, Vellore. BIS honoured Business Minutes Publication Editor Mr. B. Ramkumar for his contribution towards promotion of standards and quality. Industry experts, Government Officials and stakeholders of BIS attended the function to celebrate World Standards Day.

Bureau of Indian Standards is a statutory body functioning under the aegis of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India. It operates various schemes like Product Certification (ISI mark), Management Systems Certification, Hall Marking of Gold and Silver Jewellery/Artefacts and Laboratory Services for the benefit of the industry and in turn aiming at consumer protection.

Shri Arun Pucchakayala, Scientist D / Joint Director delivered the welcome address. Every year on October 14, the members of the ISO, IEC and ITU join together to celebrate the World Standards Day, which is a means of paying tribute to the collaborative efforts of the thousands of experts worldwide, who develop the voluntary technical agreements that are published as international standards.

Shri Jeevanandam D, Scientist D / Joint Director delivered the programme objectives. While outlining the theme of World Standards Day, which is “A Shared Vision for a Better World: Standards for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, he spoke on the importance of Standardization. He also informed the audience about the various Sustainable Development Goals and explained how Standards are contributing to attain SDGs. 

Shri. Dinesh Rajagopalan, Scientist D / Joint Director, BIS Chennai Branch Office  read out the World Standards Day Message. 

Dr Kanchana Bhaaskaran V S , Vice Chancellor, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore was the Chief Guest of the Programme. During her Presidential Address, Dr Kanchana Bhaaskaran appreciated the efforts of BIS in celebration of World Standards Day. She also added that “Standards” are the Global Language for Global Harmony. She mentioned that Standards are no more foreign subjects but are inherent in everydays life and inevitable. She also spoke on the BIS Standards Club initiative and its role in nurturing Standardization in Students Life. She concluded by throwing light on Industry 4.0 and the future technologies across globally.  

Shri M Kannan, General Manager, Environment Health and Safety, Sundaram - Clayton Limited was one of the Guest of Honour for the Programme.During his speech he informed that Earth is undergoing multiorgan failure and if 17 SDGs & its 169 Targets are not taken seriously, we are heading towards a critical situation. He cited statistical references on Mean Temperature Raise, Emission of Gases, and depletion of natural resources globally. He concluded his speech by indicating India’s Performance in achieving the SDGs and appreciated ISO  & SDGs and Government Initiatives in promoting sustainable practices.

Shri Arvind Ranganathan, Manager- India Emissions Regulatory Affairs and Compliance, Caterpillar India was another Guest of Honour. He spoke on Standards and Sustainability. He explained the industry wise emissions with specific reference to engine emissions and how it affects global warming. He emphasied that over the period, how sustainability instructions, Regulations and new standards are driving the new technology.

In the Presence of the Dignitaries and the Audience, a Quality Pledge was undertaken. 

This is followed by an Award Ceremony wherein around 11 selected personnel who had lent active support to BIS programmes were felicitated with BIS Mementos as Manak Veers.

Earlier Shri. Dinesh Rajagopalan, Scientist D / Joint Director, BIS Chennai Branch Office made a presentation on the latest initiatives taken by BIS in the promotion of Standards and creation of awareness on Quality Control Orders.

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