TNAU conducts Hands on training in “Genomic selection: Principles and Methods”

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The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore jointly organized a five days training programme with International Rice Research Institute, Philippines on “Genomic selection: Principles and Methods” from 14.10.24 to 18.10.24 at CPMB&B, TNAU, Coimbatore. The faculties and scientists of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, ICAR research institutes, Kerela Agricultural University and UAS Bangalore, Karnataka participated in this training programme. 

Dr. R. Ravikesavan, Director, Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, welcomed the resource persons, Dr. Raja Raghupathy, Project Scientist, TNAU and Dr. Parthiban Prakash, Breeding Optimization Scientist, Internatitional Rice Research Institute, Philippines and participants of the training. He also asked the young researchers to make use of the training for crop improvement programmes.

Dr. N. Senthil, Director of CPMB&B in his inaugural address, highlighted the significance of improvement in genomics technologies and utilization of genomic selection in rice/ wheat. Resource persons gave prelude about the training to the gathering.

Dr. M. Raveendran, Director of Research, TNAU in his presedential address explained about the importance of developing improved varieties to secure food grain production by 2050.  Earlier, the improved varieties were developed using genetic stocks harbouring SD1 allele and development of improved hybrids. Since we reached the yield plataeu, the crop productivity has to be increased under available agricultural area. He mentioned about the importance of empowering the commercial varieties for increased yield under abiotic/biotic stress conditions to achieve climate resilience. Since the breakthrough achievements has been accomplished through mutation of single gene in cultivated varieties or wild species, the multiple traits has to be targeted for crop improvement programme using current genomic technologies.   The training programme can be used as a platform for developing knowledge on genomic selection and can be applied for crop improvement, he added.  

Dr. E. Kokiladevi, Professor & Head, Department of Plant Biotechnology proposed a vote of thanks. It is followed by the technical sessions in which the resource persons will explain about the concept, work flow and factors affecting genomic selection, usage of bioinformatic tools. The trainees will be given hands on seessions regarding training set selection methods, approaches for handling multilocation trail data and other statistical methods.

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