Kalasalingam University: Seminar on "Cloud and Quantum Computing"

Business MInutes

Kalasalingam  University, Department of Information Technology and Centre of Cyber Security jointly organised seminar on "Neoteric Frontiers in Cloud and Quantum Computing".

Chancellor Dr.K.Sridharan presided. Dr. V.Vasudevan Registrar inaugurated the Seminar.

Dean Dr.P.Deepalakshmi, Hod Dr S. Dhana sekaran gave welcome address.

Prof.Rajkumar Buyya, Director, Clouds Lab, University of Melbourne, & CEO,‌ Manjrasoft Pvt Ltd, Australia, addressed the challenges as data privacy, access control and threat deduction and the benifits of cloud computing.

Dr.K.Suthendran and Dr.R.Sundararajan arranged the event well.

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