Agri Pitch Fest 2.0: Trio's Tonic Team Presents Innovative Climate-Smart Biofuel Solution

Business MInutes

The highly anticipated Agri Pitch Fest 2.0, organized by the E-YUVA Centre of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), saw an exciting array of innovative agri-tech solutions presented by young innovators. This year, 50 teams participated in the competition, showcasing their cutting-edge ideas to address critical issues in agriculture and environment.

An innovative solution pertinent to today’s burning issues i.e., fuel crisis and global warming came from the team Trio's Tonic. Their groundbreaking project, titled "Climate Smart Biofuel: Carbon Sequestration and Biofuel Production via Liquid Tree," was awarded the second prize. The team, composed of three members namely G Aiswarya , M Priyadharshini , A Anto Rashwin , introduced a Novel Integrated approach of producing biodiesel by leveraging algae’s carbon sequestration potential.

The proposed technology is an ingenious solution to two major environmental challenges: carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from vehicular traffic and the need for renewable biofuels. The concept involves growing algae in a specially designed chamber placed along roadsides, where it can actively sequester CO₂ emitted by passing vehicles. By capturing the carbon directly from the atmosphere, this system not only helps to mitigate pollution but also contributes to improving air quality in urban areas.

The lipid content of the algae will in turn be used for biodiesel production providing a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels. As we move forward in our efforts to combat climate change, it is essential that we prioritize the development and use of Climate – Smart Biofuels. However this requires a collaborative effort from governments, industries and civil society organizations to create an enabling environment for the production and use of sustainable biofuels.

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