Country Delight Launches NMR-Tested Honey: The Gold Standard of Purity

Business MInutes

Country Delight, a trusted name in premium and natural essentials, has announced the launch of 100% Pure Farm Honey (NMR Tested). Country Delight’s Farm Honey is Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) tested by a certified lab in Germany, making it one of the most authentic and reliable kitchen ingredients available to Indian homes. It also undergoes rigorous testing on 36 quality parameters as per FSSAI standards, including physicochemical, antibiotic and microbial, to rule out the presence of added sugars.

Honey is not just a natural sweetener; it is increasingly valued for its functional benefits. With Country Delight's NMR-tested honey, consumers can enjoy a product that supports wellness through its natural composition, which is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients and offers advantages over refined sugars.

Adulteration with cheaper sugars or syrups like high-fructose corn syrup or rice syrup is one of the most significant issues in the honey market. As a result, NMR spectroscopy is increasingly being used in the honey industry to assess its purity, quality, and origin. The test helps detect and identify various adulterants, including sugar syrups and synthetic or chemically-created additives. NMR can also detect subtle differences in chemical profiles, revealing if extraneous sugars have been added. It also provides a detailed spectrum—a kind of ‘fingerprint’ — showing the unique distribution of honey’s natural components.

The EU Reference Laboratory for Honey (European Commission) has indicated that NMR-based methods can help track honey authenticity by building databases of authentic honey samples and comparing suspicious batches against known reference spectra. At the same time, NMR can simultaneously identify various compounds in honey—sugars, amino acids, organic acids, and more.

Talking about the new launch, Mr Chakradhar Gade, CEO & Co-founder at Country Delight, said, "We are thrilled and excited about launching NMR honey and setting a new benchmark in transparency of quality to our customers. Our single-minded mission is to deliver pure and better quality products that make India live better. Every batch of Country Delight Farm Honey is NMR tested and the quality report is easily available on the Country Delight App.”

The Country Delight (NMR tested) Farm Honey is available in 450 ML. It is available to order on the Country Delight app in 17 major Indian cities, priced between Rs 196 and Rs 233.

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