Introduction of Permanent Pictorial Cancellation for Chidambaram Depicting Lord Nataraja

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The Department of Posts is proud to announce the introduction of a Permanent Pictorial Cancellation for Chidambaram, a town renowned for its spiritual and cultural significance. The cancellation, featuring the majestic image of Lord Nataraja, the cosmic dancer, pays homage to the Chidambaram Nataraja Temple, a timeless symbol of art, devotion, and heritage.  

This initiative was launched on the auspicious occasion of Aarudra Therottam, the grand annual temple car festival celebrated with fervor and devotion. Lord Nataraja, revered as the embodiment of cosmic rhythm and balance, holds a special place in the hearts of devotees across the world.  

To mark this momentous event, a temple car carried Special Cover during the Aarudra Therottam has also been released. The special cover was released by Smt. T. Nirmala Devi, Postmaster General, Central Region -Tamilnadu Tiruchirapalli in the presence of Shri. V.S. Jayasankar, Postmaster General, Southern Region -Tamilnadu, Madurai and received by Shri. Venkatesa Deekshidhar, Secretary , Pothu Deekshithars, Sri Sabanayagar Koil, Chidambaram. This cover captures the essence of the vibrant festival and showcases the architectural and cultural splendor of Chidambaram.  

The Permanent Pictorial Cancellation will be available at the Chidambaram Head Post Office, reflecting its rich spiritual legacy.

This initiative celebrates Chidambaram's unique identity and aims to inspire greater appreciation for its historical and spiritual treasures.


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