Madurai Student Shines in Oxford Big Read Global Challenge 2024 winning the top spot

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Oxford University Press announces the Oxford Big Read Global Challenge (OBR) 2024 winners, with Madurai’s Pavin S winning the global title in the Level 1 category. A global reading challenge, OBR is held annually for classes 1 to 9 across three categories, focusing on nurturing creativity and developing a passion for reading among young students worldwide.

Biju Thomas, National Sales Director, Oxford University Press India, said, "We are incredibly proud of the participation and creativity shown by students across the globe and from India. Oxford Big Read Global Challenge continues to grow each year, inspiring young people to discover the potential of literature and artistic expression. This year, the challenge in its sixth edition, witnessed over 7,000 entries from 575 schools across the globe, encouraging students to participate in creative activities based on age-specific themes. Pavin S, a student from Mahatma Montessori School, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, emerged as a runner-up in the level 1 category. Furthermore, Anwesha Dutta from Renaissance English Medium School, Kolkata, is recognized as the winner in the level 2 category.  The winners in the other four winning categories are from Argentina, Pakistan, and Colombia.

The Oxford Big Read Global Challenge is a global initiative for students aged 5 to 15 to foster a love for reading and promote creative expression. Students participate via schools, engage with Oxford supplementary readers, and participate in various activities designed to inspire critical thinking and creativity. Level 1 for classes 1 to 3 ‘Design a new book jacket’ encourages book reading, designing a new cover, including the title, author, and illustration, and writing two sentences about the book. Level 2 for classes 4 to 6, ‘Write something interesting about the book’ inspires creative expression with students writing a title, author, kind of story, setting, and main characters. The students share what they liked or disliked, and if the story can be changed, what could it be? Level 3 for classes 7 to 9, ‘Write a critical review of an Oxford University Press book’ includes the title, author, kind of story  , with winners selected by a global jury. 


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