PhysicsWallah Principal Conclave Unites 100+ Education Leaders to Address Evolving Challenges in Education

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The education platform PhysicsWallah (PW) recently hosted The PhysicsWallah Principal Conclave in Chennai. The half-day event featured keynotes and panel discussions targeted at empowering educators and fostering change. With participation from over 100 school principals and education leaders, the conclave aimed to address the evolving challenges and opportunities in education and provided a platform to exchange ideas, explore innovative strategies, and envision the future of education in India.

Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Regional Head of Academic Excellence, PhysicsWallah (PW) said, “The PhysicsWallah (PW) Principal Conclave is a testament to our collective commitment to reimagining education and empowering educators to lead this change   K M Paramasivan, Assistant Secretary of CoE, CBSE Chennai, in his special address, underscored the importance of strong leadership The keynote sessions were complemented by a panel discussion on “Inclusive Education: Strategies for Nurturing Every Learner,” featuring Udaya Sankar, National Lead - Academia & Government Relations at NASSCOM, Venkatesh Narayanaswamy, Founder of IKON & Seyal Forum, S K Saleem, Centre Head Chennai, PhysicsWallah (PW) and Vignesh Murugesan, Associate Director of Education & Skill Development at KPMG Pushpinder Kaur Sidhu, Director at PhysicsWallah (PW) highlighting the role of technology in education, focusing on accessibility and equity. Dr. Kannan Gireesh, Founder and CEO of LiveLife Education concluded the event with insights on growth, resilience, and purpose-driven education.

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