Annamalai University Chemical Engineering students seminar InCheS 2K23

Business MInutes

The Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology Annamalai University has organized students seminar InChES 2K23 Inaugural function on 11th April 2023. 

Prof.R.Saravanan, Department of Chemical Engineering welcomed the gathering. The Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Prof. Dr.R.Dhanasekar, presided over the function and delivered the Presidential address. Mr.R.Narasimhan, Director, Protchem Industries, Chennai delivered the Inaugural address.  He talked about the importance of Chemical Engineering and Technology which will pave way for development of Nation. The Guest of Honor Colonel. R.Vasudevan, SM Commander, NCC Unit, Annamalai University delivered the special address. The activities of the seminar were submitted by the General Secretary Ms. JM. Angelin Reshmi and Seminar Secretary Mr.S.Akash. The staff Advisor Dr.M.Vijay, proposed the Vote of Thanks.

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