TechInvention Lifecare Pvt. Ltd., India, has partnered with M/s. Eubiologics Co., Ltd. (Eubiologics), South Korea, to launch Euvichol-Plus, the world’s first and only oral cholera vaccine (OCV), in a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) unidose pack in India.The LDPE unidose pack of Euvichol-Plus is not only easy and safe to use, but it also reduces the issues pertaining to conventional glass vials in terms of breakage, storage, transportation, distribution, waste management, and facilitates delivery in emergency situations and humanitarian crises in campaign mode.
"In this joint effort with Eubiologics to bring a preventive solution to the recurring endemic that is cholera, the launch of Euvichol-Plus is the empirical choice," said TechInvention's Founder and CEO, Mr. Syed Ahmed. "We wish to contribute to the national initiatives along the lines of WHO's ‘Ending Cholera: A Global Roadmap by 2030’. TechInvention has 2 more vaccines in late-stage clinical development and regulatory approval in India, while there are more on the anvil” he added.