NIEPMD’s National webinar on Adapted Yoga for Children with Multiple Disabilities

Business MInutes

A National webinar titled " Adapted Yoga for Children with Multiple Disabilities" was conducted by the National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD) located at Muttukadu near Chennai, in association with Ministry of Information and Broadcasting's Press Information Bureau (PIB), Chennai, today. The National institute functioning under the Union Ministry  of Social Justice and Empowerment had organised this webinar as part of the 9th International Yoga Day to be celebrated tomorrow (June 21st 2023).

Rendering the inaugural address, Dr. Nachiketa Rout, Director, NIEPMD said yoga unites mankind with our natural surroundings including water, air and trees.  Due to the various initiatives taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the ancient practice which is originated from India has been popularised around the world and many countries have accepted it, understanding its basic concept, he added. If connection, which is the main ideology of yoga is perceived, we need not have to face various challenges including climate change, he said.

During the webinar, children with multiple disabilities, under the guidance of teacher, performed yoga asanas with the assistance of few apparatus. Various postures like  Parvatasana, Yogamudrasana, Sedubandhasana, Bhujangasana,  Dhanurasana,  Ardhashalabasana, Padhahasthasana were demonstrated along with their benefits.

Adapted yoga is a way of modifying yoga postures in such a way that it is suitable for all. In this form of yoga, each pose can be modified and simplified so that it is comfortable for differently abled people as well. Adapted yoga has been taught in NIEPMD for the last 10 years. Through this, the children’s overall general health and memory power are improved and problems like sleep disorders, anxiety, hyper active, behaviour issues are reduced.


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