CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR-SERC), a constituent laboratory of CSIR in collaboration with M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation organized an event “Exploring Science” exclusively for the Chennai Corporation School students on 31st October 2023 at CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai. The event was organized to connect with the school students and also to provide a platform for them to know about the research activities at CSIR-SERC. About 50 students and 5 teachers participated in this event.
During the inaugural event, Dr. S. Maheswaran, Senior Principal Scientist delivered the opening remarks. Dr. J. Rajasankar, Chief Scientist delivered the welcome address. Dr. N. Anandavalli, Director of CSIR-SERC & Coordinating Director of CMC delivered the presidential address.
In her motivational talk she spoke on the great scientists of India, Engineer’s day, engineering designs inspired by nature, bio-inspired inventions and evolution of building structures. She encouraged the students to be creative, innovative, and to achieve success by way of dreaming big, fixing definite goals, preparing definite plans, working hard and to act with persistence. She also spoke on significance of preserving the environment andconsequences of plastic pollution, urgent need to reduce plastic usage, and practising zero waste.
Followed by the formal inauguration function, the students & teachers visited various laboratories of CSIR-SERC, and the scientist of various laboratories demonstrated different experiments to the students. Hands-on session (coin-battery, smart buildings & smart bridges) are also conducted. Students witnessed the demonstrations & participated actively in all the events and interacted with the scientists with a lot of questions.
Dr. S. Maheswaran, Senior Principal Scientist, and Mr. E. Ashokkumar, Scientist Coordinated the entire event.