One day entrepreneurship awareness workshop at Mother Teresa Women’s University

Business MInutes

Mother Teresa Women's University, Research and Extension Center, Madurai in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and the Department and Centre for Women’s Studies jointly organized a one-day Entrepreneurship Awareness Workshop on January 23, 2024. 

The Workshop aimed to provide opportunities to the students to enrich their entrepreneur development skills in starting a business. 

Mr. N. Pandiyarajan, Coordinator of MSME TDC, Madurai has welcomed the gathering. Dr. M. Pushpa Rani, Director of Mother Teresa Women's University Research and Extension Center, Madurai Campus inaugurated the workshop and delivered the keynote address. In her address, she delved into topics such as entrepreneurship, personality traits, characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, and various welfare schemes offered by the central and state government. Emphasizing the importance of self-employment for female students, she encouraged them to create job opportunities for others rather than becoming disheartened by the pursuit of government jobs. 

She highlighted the role of modern technologies, particularly social media, in facilitating online marketing for women, leading to economic self-sufficiency. Furthermore, she asserted that with substantial self-confidence and meticulous planning, students can secure financial assistance from government banks, private banks, and other financial institutions.

Mr. S. Dinakaran Assistant, Director of Small and Medium Enterprises Technology Development Center interacted with the students on the ability to be flexible, potential financial rewards and the major disadvantages include risk, long hours, and cash flow challenges.

Ms. Jaya, Assistant Director of the District Entrepreneurship Center discussed various government grants for entrepreneurs with the students and also insisted that entrepreneurial activity helps create new jobs, fosters innovation, and drives market competition, which ultimately benefits consumers. 

Mr. Anil, Canara Bank's Lead District Secretary explained the bank's operations, the strategies to get bank loans and various loans offered by banks for entrepreneurs. 

More than 200 students and Professors have participated in this workshop. The main goal of this workshop was to sensitize students about different aspects of entrepreneurship while highlighting the merits of pursuing it as a career choice. 

Dr. Meena Priyadarshini, Director i/c, Department and Centre for Women’s Studies has proposed the vote of thanks.


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