UNICEF and Anna University organized workshop on child rights and media

Business MInutes

The entire workshop had two phases: Day – 1 Understanding the Child Rights and Day – 2 Training and Explanation on how both Visual and Print Media must work while publishing child related news. The 1st day began with the registration and self-introductory session of all the Media personal gathered there. This Program was initiated by UNICEF along Anna University, next came up Mr.Murali Krishanan Chinnadurai sir, the project coordinator, started explaining the context of the Workshop in brief and was assisted by Mr.Venugopal the Project Assistant who took care of all the accommodation and food facilities for all the Media personals who have travelled to Chennai.

The speaker for the day was Stegana Jency ma’am, Director CCRD – her session was highly interactive letting all the participants think, analyse and self-conclude in order to obtain the essence of the workshop deeply. Her session completely mind-blowing and informative as she went on explaining everything from scratch on What is Right? What is Child Right – it says, set of legally binding norms and standards for the care and protection of children, that apply to all children at all times and all situations. The base slogan by UNICEF for children itself is UNCRC (United Nation Convection on Right of the Child) by which UNICEF defines a child as a person below the age of 18 years which is common for both males and females after data being collected across the world.

She also emphasised that a Journalists must give 1st priority to children’s news, ensure all the necessary information is published for the betterment of the children. Next to remember is, the news published should not affect any other children in the society and respect for the children should be maintained intact. And said the child sex ratio is 1000boys : 992girls. She classified the child right into four major categories – Survival Right, Development Right, Protection Right and Participation Rights. These basic learning helped the participants aka parents get knowledge on how to take care of their child. She gave a lot of examples and demonstrations for the better understanding of the participants.

Through her session she clearly explained the belief of UNICEF that all children have a right to survive and express their full potential. And by the evening all the participants were engaged into preparing charts from their understanding about the workshop, this progress gave better clarity to all the participants and finally commencing Day – 1 which left all our hearts to eagerly wait for Day – 2.

As the Day – 2 began beautifully, Sam Sudheer Pandi gave us a recap and context brief of the program. Next came, Dr.Virgil D Sami, Arunodhaya Center who gave us a clear idea about Media & Child Rights. She also said that her vision is to bring an exclusive page for children in Print Media like the sports and other categories in the paper. After the Q&A sessions with her came up Sugitha Sarangaraj ma’am from News 7 Tamil who nourished us with the knowledge of the various Acts, Rules and Regulations and ethics that must be followed in the Industry. 

Some of the major things she mentioned was – do not disclose details of the child, their photos, use pseudo names for the victims, do not trust the FIR as it is always the Police version of the story hence always give the real version, improper morphing is also a punishable offence, constantly use different images for a story as it helps to reduce the identification of the child’s details, do not disclose the details of the witness at any situation and last but not the least in case of accidental deaths do not mention process that the victim carried out to perish his life.

Finally, she concluded by saying us to ask the following set of questions to our inner self while revealing child’s details – is it mandatory to show the child’s face, who is going to benefit by seeing the face, what are we getting by showing the face and most importantly do not disclose the details for peer media network pressures. She shared us a lot of data and stats which she started collecting since her training workshop with the UNICEF at Trivandrum and this made her to work more cautiously and professionally. That’s is the necessary spark that every media personal needs to get which will in turn provide a better society for the child in the upcoming future.

To conclude, the BM Correspondent who attended this workshop felt it really useful, informative and an eye opener as this session taught us to work more professionally with more pride and respect, providing us a better understanding that we are not just employees of an organization but also socially responsible person who has a part in protecting and providing the necessary information to the society which is true to its fullest.



BM Correspondent

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