Speaking at the event, Bhavish Aggarwal, Founder and CMD, Ola Electric, said, “Today, 2/3rd of India’s 2W market consists of motorcycles, and with Ola’s entry into this segment, EV penetration is poised to further accelerate in the Indian 2W segment. We have already been successful in accelerating the EV adoption in the scooter segment, and with our futuristic portfolio of products, we are now focused on supercharging the EV penetration through our motorcycles. Coupled with the integration of our cells in our vehicles starting early next year, we are determined to chart a new course for mass EV adoption across India.”
Ola Electric launches electric motorcycles
August 22, 2024
Affirming its resolve to make India a global EV and new energy hub, Ola Electric today announced new products and future roadmap across EV and energy verticals. With the launch of Roadster, Roadster X and Roadster Pro, the company today entered the electric motorcycle segment and further announced the integration of its cells in its own vehicles starting Q1 FY26. The company also showcased the indigenously developed Bharat 4680 cell and battery pack, new Gen-3 platform and MoveOS 5 at Sankalp 2024 - Ola’s annual launch event at its Futurefactory in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu on August 15, 2024.