Paisabazaar strengthens focus on Home Loans, aims 50% disbursal share

Business MInutes

Paisabazaar, India’s leading marketplace for consumer credit and free credit score platform, is strongly focussing on scaling its Home Loans and other secured loan products, with an aim to take the share of secured loan disbursals to 50% of total disbursals through the platform.

Naveen Kukreja, Co-founder & CEO, Paisabazaar, said, “The overall macros for India’s consumer credit market remain strong and conducive for long-term growth. For us as a business, while unsecured credit would continue to be the backbone of our growth, we also recognise a big opportunity to go deeper and scale secured loans, especially home loans. Since home loans as a category is largely offline and last-mile-driven, our focus is largely on building our distribution and fulfilment capabilities. Our strong brand and large scale would also be key drivers for us in strengthening the secured business.”

Sahil Arora, Chief Business Officer, Secured Loans, said, “We are setting up our presence where the consumer is physically present, to provide end-to-end assistance in what usually is a long and complex process for a large set of consumers. Our key focus areas are to build last mile capability, scale distribution and add genuine consumer value through wide choice, personalised and unbiased advice along with end-to-end assistance.”

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