Isha Safe Place for all seekers

Business MInutes

Isha Foundation is a safe place for all seekers from around the world, with men and women from various parts of India and from many nations across the globe residing here. We are pleased that the Tamil Nadu status report submitted to the Supreme Court today has confirmed that the two female monks are living in the ashram with their own free will, with no restriction and are going out freely, with one of them even running a 10 km marathon recently.

POSH Compliant

Regarding other enquiries, we want to mention that Isha Foundation is POSH compliant and has a working sexual harassment committee in place. With the Social Welfare Dept pointing at some improvement areas in the Internal Complaints Committee, the Foundation earnestly worked on the recommendations and sent the rectification to the concerned department.

Missing People

The Tamil Nadu police report also clarified that of the six people reported to be missing from Isha, 5 have been found. For the one person who is still missing, the Foundation proactively approached the police to lodge a missing person complaint after informing the family about the situation. We remain hopeful for the safe return of this individual and are committed to support efforts to find the missing person.

Molestation case

Regarding the alleged child molestation case, the doctor in question was an employee of Isha Outreach, and the incident took place outside the ashram. The case is under investigation, and we have extended our full support to the authorities.


It is also pertinent to note that there is no crematorium functioning inside Isha ashram.

Isha - Law abiding organization

Being a law-abiding organisation, we remain committed to fulfilling all the compliance requirements.

We are grateful to the meditators and seekers who fully cooperated with the police despite getting inconvenienced in their regular spiritual practices. The Foundation is committed to function for the well-being of humanity through powerful yogic tools offered by Sadhguru and welcomes seekers from around the world to experience the transformational power of yoga.


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