Brain-Dead Man becomes organ donor; gives life to 4 persons

Business MInutes

Mr. Ramakrishnan, was a 56 years old man, native of Veerapandi village in Theni District.  He met with an accident in the early hours of 14.12.2024 (Saturday). He was immediately taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Then, as advised by the doctors there his family had rushed him to the Meenakshi Mission Hospital in Madurai for further treatment and admitted him on 14.12.2024. Proper Treatments were initiated by the concerned departments. But his health status did not improve even after expert specialised care.

Necessary tests for brain function were performed as per the recommendation of the Neurosurgeon of the hospital. On completion of tests and examination, doctors confirmed that his brain is permanently inactive/dead on 15.12.2024. Other organs of the body, including the kidneys and liver were functioning well despite the loss of brain function. The patients with this condition are referred to as "brain dead" by the medical professionals. The medical team explained Mr. Ramakrishnan’s condition to his family and informed them that by agreeing to donate his body organs, many patients who were fighting for their lives can be saved. His wife had come forward generously and agreed for the donation of organs for transplantation to the needy patients.  Meenakshi Mission Hospital authorities requested the government authorities for permission to harvest the organs from the brain-dead patient Mr. Ramakrishnan by phone and email and the Tamil Nadu government gave legal authorisation to do the same as an urgent measure, understanding the urgency.

16.12.2024, yesterday the procedure of harvesting the organs was successfully conducted by the medical team of Meenakshi Mission Hospital.  Two kidneys were taken to Kauvery Hospital Trichy, while his two corneas were taken to Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai. His liver was taken to Rela Hospital, Chennai by flight. 

Organ donation by the brain-dead persons can give a second life to many patients who are fighting for their survival.  The hospital authorities thanked the family members of Mr. Ramakrishnan, who had agreed generously to donate his organs. His organs are now transplanted in many patients and saved their lives.  

The medical team at Meenakshi Mission Hospital paid their last respects and handed over the body to his family. His funeral took place yesterday with state honors, in accordance with the Chief Minister's recent directive to extend this respect at the funerals of organ donors.


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