Skilling, Reskilling and Upskilling of Youth for career prospects at NIT Tiruchirappalli

Business MInutes

The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Skill  Development & Entrepreneurship have recognized NIT Tiruchirappalli as a Skill Training Hub for offering  vocational training for unemployed youths and school dropouts. The Skill Training Hub is being  setup at NIT Tiruchirappalli as a part of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana  (PMKVY) 4.0 scheme implemented under National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).

Mr. Bhaskar Bhat, Chairman, Board of Governors, NIT Tiruchirappalli, inaugurated the NIT Tiruchirappalli Skill Hub web portal on 22/05/2023 at 11.00 AM in the presence of Dr. G. Aghila, Director, NIT Tiruchirappalli. This marks an important milestone in NIT Tiruchirappalli's commitment to skill development and empowering  individuals for a brighter future.

The Skill Hub at NIT Tiruchirappalli has been envisioned to train more than 2500 beneficiaries in the age group of 15 – 45 at free of cost. Each training will be conducted for a period of 250 – 300 hours in different sunrise sectors such as 3D printing, Solar PV design, IoT, Data Analytics, Robotics, Office Executives and many more. Trained participants will be awarded certificates authorized by NIT Tiruchirappalli and NSDC. During the inauguration of skill hub centre web portal, the Director, Dr. G. Aghila, said that “The Skill Hub Centre at NIT Tiruchirappalli perfectly aligns with the implementation of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 which will be of benefit to the students, alumni and the public. NIT Tiruchirappalli will take this forward as a long-term activity in catering the employment needs of graduates & unemployed youths”.

Speaking on the occasion Dr. V. Sankaranarayanan, Dean (R & C) said that depending on the demand of the targeted beneficiaries, customized courses will be launched to skill  the trainees suitable to a market-driven job profile. This centre will play a crucial role in the creation of a skilled workforce in the delta region of Tamilnadu, including Trichy, Tanjore, Karur, Perambalur, Pudukkottai districts, creating more job opportunities and economic growth.

The NIT Tiruchirappalli Skill Hub Centre is not just about skill development; it's also about transforming lives and creating a brighter future. The courses are carefully designed to provide hands-on training, industry exposure, and practical knowledge that directly align with the current industry requirements as per National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF). Interested candidates can visit the official website at and apply for the courses.

They can also contact the skill hub centre at 0431 – 2503718, 2503709 for assistance.


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