AWS ties-up with ISRO and IN-SPACe to advance India's space capabilities with cloud technologies

Business MInutes

The aim is to develop talent with knowledge of cloud technologies and space sector, enable startups to develop space-tech solutions, and strengthen R&D. 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) India Private Limited has signed a strategic Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe) to support space-tech innovations through cloud computing. This collaboration will give space startups, research institutes and students access to cutting edge cloud technologies that accelerate the development of new solutions in the space sector. 

Propelling careers in space-tech 

AWS’s educational programs on cloud computing in combination with ISRO’s space-tech expertise will inspire future generations to pursue a career in India’s growing space sector.

“Advancing innovation in the space sector is a top priority for our nation as geospatial solutions have the power to deliver high quality services for the good governance for citizens and add value to the stakeholders,” said Sudheer Kumar N., Director, Capacity Building and Public Outreach, ISRO. Cloud computing enables the speedy management of large volumes of raw space data, besides running AI, ML and analytics workloads to achieve meaningful outcomes in a highly cost-effective manner.


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