Integrated communication outreach programme at Mayiladuthurai

Business MInutes

Central Bureau of Communication Tiruchirapalli under Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry organized photo digital exhibition Integrated Communication Outreach Programme on Poshan Maah Nutrition Month, Mission Life Environment, International year of Millets at Vijay Mahal, Mayiladuthurai on Friday.

Field Publicity officer Tiruchirapalli Mr. K Devi Padmanabhan in his introductory address said that Poshan Maah Nutrition month is celebrated in September to create awareness about importance of Nutrition and Health. He said that the theme for this year is Suposhith Bharat meaning Nutritious India, Sakshar Bharat-Literate India and Sasakth Bharat Empowered India. He spoke about importance of having nutritious food especially leafy vegetables and easily available moringa leaves to strengthen immunity. He pointed out that central and state governments are implementing various schemes for the benefit of public. He said that International Year of Millets is celebrated under United Nations accepting India’s suggestion. Millets are readily available in villages and this should be part of our diet to ensure nutrition and immunity. 

Mayiladuthurai District Collector Mr. Mahabharathi in his inaugural address urged people to utilize government schemes for their benefit. He asked them to utilize schemes like Poshan Maah and ensure nutritious food is taken. He spoke about Poshan Maah Nutririon Maah and read out Nutrition Pledge. Earlier District collector inaugurated Photo Digital exhibition alongwith Mayiladuthurai and Sirkazhi MLAs.

Mayiladuthurai MLA Shri Rajkumar in his special address said that government schemes should be used by public for their benefit. He urged people to see the exhibition and visit the stalls to get awareness about various govt schemes. He urged people to utilize schemes like PMEmployment Guarantee Scheme and utilize loans to set up small industries.

Sirkazhi MLA Mr. Paneerselvam urged people to utilize government schemes. He asked women to safeguard their health by eating nutritious food.

ICDS Project Officer Smt Shyamala spoke about Poshan Maah Nutrition Month and schemes for benefit of women. Lead Bank Manager IOB Shri M Muthusamy said that Mayiladuthurai is in third place in Tamil Nadu in utilizing PMEGA loans. 

FPA Thanjavur Mr. K Ravindran welcomed the gathering. FPA Trichy Mr. S Arunkumar rendered vote of thanks. Cloth bags were distributed to public as part of avoiding usage of one time use plastics under Mission Life Environment. Prizes were given to students who won in various competition. Various stalls by Postal Division, ICDS, Dengue prevention by Health department, social welfare department were set up. Song and Drama registered troupe performed awareness programme. Pamphlets and notices on government schemes were distributed.

Field Publicity Assistant Thanjavur Shri K Ravindran coordinated the event. FPA Trichy Shri S Arunkumar rendered vote of thanks.

Prizes were given to students who won in competition held on various themes 


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