TNAU hosts training programme on Integrated Farming System in Sembukkarai village

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Integrated Farming System unit of Department of Agronomy, Directorate of Crop Management organized a one day training programme on “Component integration in integrated farming system and value addition to improve livelihood of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes families” to the scheduled caste and scheduled tribe farmers from Sembukkarai village of Anaikatti area was conducted on 21.09.2023. A total of 35 scheduled caste and scheduled tribe farmers were actively participated in the training. 

Dr. P. M. Shanmugam, Chief Agronomist, AICRP-IFS unit welcomed the gathering and Dr.P.Parasuraman, Professor and Head, Dept. of Agronomy delivered the special address. Dr. M. K. Kalarani, Director, Directorate of Crop management has presided the function and delivered the presidential address. She enlightened the importance of integrated farming system to the participants for doubling the farm income and achieving food and nutritional security. Further, she elaborated the role of nutrient management particularly micro nutrient management in increasing the crop productivity. 

Dr.M. Thirunavukkarasu, Veterinary doctor elaborated the importance of animal components in the Integrated farming system and Dr. P. Geetha, Professor (Food Science) demonstrated about the value addition of farm produces for enhancing the income. 

Dr. K.Sivasubramanian, Professor (Env. Science) proposed vote of thanks. 


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