Multimedia Exhibition on drug free India by CBC at NIT Trichy

Business MInutes

Central Bureau of Communication Tiruchirappalli under Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry organized multimedia exhibition on Drug Free India, Portrayal of Unsung heroes of freedom struggle in India cinema at NIT Trichy as part of Festember.

Tiruchirappalli City Police Commissioner Smt Kamini IPS in her inaugural speech urged students to unitedly fight against usage of drugs. She pointed out that Tamil Nadu Chief Minister has started a campaign against drug usage. She spoke about harmful affects of drugs and asked students to inform their teachers, parents or directly to police about drug peddling and drug menace. She spoke about government awareness programmes to fight against drug abuse.

Field Publicity officer Tiruchirappalli Shri K Devi Padmanabhan in his welcome speech said that Central Bureau of Communication is organizing three day multimedia exhibition to create awareness about harmful affects of drug abuse.

Shri P Arunkumar Joint Director PIB Chennai in his introductory speech spoke about exhibition on Drug Free India in Barn hall and Portrayal of Unsung heroes of freedom struggle in Indian Cinema in Golden Jubilee Hall. He urged students to jointly fight against drug menace and prevent spread of drug habits. 

Dr G Aghila Director NIT Trichy spoke about drug free India and role of students in fighting against drug abuse.  Dr Karvembu dean Student welfare addressed. Shri Anandhaprabhu Field Publicity officer Thanjavur rendered vote of thanks.

Pledge on Drug free India was taken to create awareness about fighting drug abuse. Pamphlets on drug free India was released by Trichy city police Commissioner and NIT Trichy Director. Pamphlets on drug free India were distributed to students. FPAs Shri K Ravindran and Shri S Arunkumar coordinated the event. The multimedia exhibition is being organized as part of NIT Trichy Festember.


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