Shakti Ashokumar Inspires Erode Vasavi College Students to Conquer Self-Doubt and Strive for Excellence

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Erode Vasavi College 90 students with the highest marks, 72 students who won various sports competitions and 19 students who performed well in social service were given prizes under the leadership of the college principal Thamarai Kannan. Physical Education Director Dr. Ramesh welcomed.

Community worker Shakti Ashokumar attended the function as the special guest and gave gifts to the students.

Then he said that the students should develop themselves to the extent of service, they should be self-interested, and at the same time they should work for the common good. The students should develop themselves to that extent. No matter what you do, you should not have a low attitude with hesitation and fear. Low attitude is our first enemy. If you try to throw away that low attitude, you can easily succeed in anything. So you students should first throw away your inferiority complex. You have to love yourself and your goal in life is to act with purpose and if you work wholeheartedly to achieve this goal then success is easy. Every student has a specific goal and should not lose hope if they are unable to achieve that goal. You have to keep trying to achieve that goal, if you can't, if you keep working hard to reach the next goal, you will be sure of success.

Thus he spoke.

Many professors and students participated in the function.


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