Save Soil Movement to organize Indian traditional vegetable festival in Madurai

Business MInutes

The Indian traditional vegetable festival, organized by Isha's Save Soil movement, is going to be held in Madurai on November 5. The Honorable Minister for Commercial Tax and Registration, Tamil Nadu, Shri P. Moorthy, will inaugurate the festival which is expected to witness the participation of over 1,000 farmers from across Tamil Nadu.

A press conference in this regard was held at the Madurai press hall on October 31. Tamil Nadu field coordinator of the Save Soil Movement, Mr. Muthu Kumar informed the media that the event scheduled at E.M.G Yadava Women’s College, pioneering farmers and agronomists will provide advice on various aspects of vegetable production, such as organic farming, marketing, and value addition.

"The food we eat is the root cause of many diseases that affect us. Due to excessive use of synthetic fertilizers, soil's fertility has deteriorated along with depletion of nutrients in the crops. Similarly, with deteriorated soil fertility, farmers' yield has also reduced, and so has their income. Their produce is not getting the right price. The festival is expected to bring solutions to such problems faced by the farmers. During this time, we will also explain the process of multi-crop farming," he said.

"As a solution to all the above-mentioned problems, we are promoting organic farming through the Save Soil Movement. We have taught organic farming to around 18,000 farmers by conducting various organic farming training courses every month across Tamil Nadu. This grand agricultural event called the Indian Traditional Vegetable Festival is a follow up event of the Movement," he added. 

Key highlights of the festival will include entomologist Mr. ‘Poochee’ Selvam's talk on the benefits of certain useful insects in the cultivation of vegetables. Furthermore, Mr. Pon Mutthu, the farmer from Palladam, will also share his knowledge on how successfully he has established and is running his natural market that caters to more than 1,000 consumers. Mr. Arun Prakash will inform about the medicinal value of traditional vegetables. Mr. Ramar will share his insights about his experience of cultivating and exporting chili peppers to the USA and Germany. Apart from this, a farmer who earns 2 lakhs from moringa leaves, Ms. Ponnarasi, and a few others are going to talk about various aspects like home gardens, panthal vegetables, and spinach cultivation.

Besides, the festival will also showcase an exhibition of native vegetable seeds and simple agricultural tools found by the farmers themselves. We are going to provide free seeds of traditional country vegetables to the farmers participating in this festival. Vegetables and value-added food products will also be sold to benefit not only the farmers but also the public. A traditional music concert by Shri ‘Sound’ Mani will also be conducted. Farmers who want to participate in this festival can contact 8300093777 and make reservations.


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