CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR-SERC), a constituent laboratory of CSIR organized “Dr. N. Lakshmanan Memorial Quiz Competition” exclusively for the Corporation of Chennai School students in connection with National Science Day celebrations on 28th of February 2024 under Jigyasa at CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai. The main aim of the quiz is to inculcate the aptitude for scientific research in the young minds.
During the inaugural event, Dr. N. Anandavalli, Director of CSIR-SERC & Coordinating Director of CMC delivered a motivational talk. She encouraged the students to be creative, innovative, and to achieve success by way of dreaming big, fixing definite goals, preparing definite plans, working hard and to act with persistence.
“Dr. N. Lakshmanan Memorial Quiz Competition” was conducted at the Vigyan Auditorium. More than 60 students from 21 schools participated in the Screening Test.
Followed by the Screening Test the students & teachers visited various laboratories of CSIR-SERC, and the scientist of various laboratories demonstrated different experiments to the students. Students witnessed the demonstrations & participated actively in all the events and interacted with the scientists with a lot of questions.
From the Screening Test, top six teams were selected for the Finals based on their score. The quiz was conducted by the Shri. A.K. Farvaze Ahmed, Principal Scientist, CSIR -SERC and team. Certificates were given to all the participants.
The Finals consisted of several rounds of science questions including Audio-visuals. The quiz was conducted in a professional and most entertaining manner, upholding the scientific spirit in unique way. The participating students were enthusiastic, energetic and sportive and made the event a grand success. The staff of CSIR-SERC and CSIR-CMC also attended.
The prize-winning schools will be awarded trophies, and the prize-winning teams will be given shields and prize money during the National Science Day Function scheduled on 29th February 2024.