IMU and IIITDM – Kancheepuram sign MoU for Academic Collaboration

Business MInutes

The Indian Maritime University (IMU) and Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Kancheepuram (IIITDM Kancheepuram) (IIITDM-K) have signed an MoU on 29.07.2024 towards Academic Collaboration leading to offering of joint courses, engaging in joint research, and undertaking training in emerging technologies.

IMU and IIITDM-K have been in talks for formalising the relations. With this MoU, IMU and IIITDM K would leverage on the expertise of each other and help build capacity in the maritime sector.

IMU in its endeavour towards achieving the target given under Maritime India Vision 2030 and Maritime Amrit Kaal Vision 2047 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, has joined hands with 9 International and 22 National Higher Educational Institutions and Industry partners.  This partnership with IIITDM-K will see the delivery of joint certificate courses for faculty, students and industry personnel in Maritime Informatics, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning etc.

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