Ushering in the festive season, A23 (Head Digital Works), India’s leading skilled gaming platform with more than 70 million registered users, announced the launch of A23 Rummy Maha Mela , a hundred-day long online rummy extravaganza starting October 5 to January 12, 2025. This mega event is the first of its kind and is slated to be the biggest online rummy celebration this festive season, offering an array of exciting rewards and experiences for rummy enthusiasts across India.
The A23 Rummy Maha Mela will culminate into an offline mega finale, also considered a highly anticipated event for rummy enthusiasts. Top 36 finalists from the online competitions will get an opportunity to compete in an offline format at an exotic location, to be revealed soon. The offline finale is scheduled to take place after January 12, 2025, and promises to be an exciting culmination of the festival, bringing together the top rummy players from across the country.
Commenting on the mega event, Deepak Gullapalli, Founder & CEO, A23 (Head Digital Works) said, “We’ve witnessed a growing popularity of online rummy in India. The festive season is the perfect time to bring in cheer to families across India and for us, A23 Rummy Maha Mela is not only an occasion to celebrate our loyal customer base but also rummy enthusiasts and the A23 family at large. Through this festival, players can showcase their rummy skills and celebrate all through the festive season with mega wins. The mela is designed to celebrate the spirit of rummy and offer unparalleled rewards and experiences to players. This, coupled with A23 being a trusted rummy platform is sure to set a new benchmark in the online gaming industry.”