NIT Puducherry hosts workshop on 3D Printing for school students

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The Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Puducherry is set to host a series of Workshop organized as part of the DST NCSTC project entitled “Scientific Awareness and Hands-on Experience Workshop Program on 3D Scanning and 3D Printing Technologies” from 09 December 2024 to March 2025. 

The event is inaugurated by Smt. Vijayamohana, Chief Education Officer, Karaikal and is Presided by Prof. Makarand Madhao Ghanrekhar, Director, NIT Puducherry in the presence of Prof. S Sundaravarthan Registrar and Prof. G.S. Mahapatra, Dean Research & Consultancy on 09 December 2024 in Sigma Hall, NIT Puducherry.

Dr. M.V.A Raju Bahubalendruni, Principal Investigator (DST NCSTC Project) presented the welcome address to the gathering and explained the scope of the Workshop. Dr. A. Johnney Mertens, Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering described the department achievements and other activities. Smt. Vijayamohana, Chief Education Officer, Karaikal delivered his Chief Guest address and spoke about the revolutionary technologies of 3D printing and scanning. The Chief Guest also introduced the students to 3D scanning, describing it as a technology that helps capture the exact details of an object and convert it into a digital model.

Deans, Associate Deans, HODs, faculties, of all departments, Headmasters, Teachers and students from various schools are presented in the inauguration event. Students from 20 schools (1000 Nos) will be benefitted by this program.

Dr. J. Ronald Aseer, Co-Investigator (DST NCSTC Project), conveys vote of thanks for the inaugural ceremony and finally, the inauguration was concluded with National Anthem. 

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