Kalasalingam University student participates in Chennai Republic Day parade!

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To participate in the grand Republic Day parade on January 26 in Chennai, the National Welfare Scheme students' selection was held at Davanikarai, Karnataka, from 05/11/24 to 14/11/24.

In this, Kalasalingam University B.Tech Agricultural Engineering student M. Sivasankari participated and was selected as the best student. The order to participate in the Republic Day parade was given to the student by the State National Welfare Scheme Officer Dr. PN Kuna Nidhi.

The student, Sivashankari, who has brought pride to Tamil Nadu and Kalasalingam University, was felicitated by Chancellor Dr. K. Sridharan, Vice Chancellor Dr. S. Arivalagi Sridharan, Vice President Dr. S. Sasi Anand, Vice Chancellor Dr. S. Narayanan, Registrar Dr. V. Vasudevan, Head of Department Dr. Shahir, University Welfare Officers T. Rajpradish and V. Dinesh Kumar

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