Kalasalingam University: Two days FDP on Neurons

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Krishnankoil, Kalasalingam University, The  Department of ECE organised  a Two-Day Faculty Development Programme titled “Neurons and Neuro Linguistic  Programming  For Better Teaching  and Learning ".

The Chief patrons Dr.K. Sridharan, Chancellor, Dr. S.Arivazhagi, Pro chancellor , Dr.S.Shasi Anand, Vice President, Er. S. Arjun Kalasalingam Vice president chaired the event. The Vice Chancellor Dr.S. Narayanan, Registrar Dr. V. Vasudevan inaugurated the function. Dean Dr. P.Sivakumar and HoD Dr.A.Muthukumar welcomed  the Speakers.

The Resource persons Dr. S. Franklin John, Dr. NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Dr. G. Alex Rajesh and  Dr.Vimala,  Sri Venkateswara Institute of IT & Management, Coimbatore and  Dr.Sheeja ,  Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam trained the Faculty with advanced Neuro Linguistic programming  topics and more Hands on training. Around 65 faculty  have  participated  and  benefited. Dr.R.Sumathy and Mrs. S.Sheeba Jeya Sophia  coordinated the event.

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