The grand Pongal festival conducted by the SRM Tamil Perayam

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The Tamil Perayam at SRM Institute of Science and Technology celebrates the Pongal festival every year to honor nature's beauty and express gratitude. This year, the Pongal Festival 2025 was celebrated with great pomp and splendor at the SRM Educational Institution's campus in Kattankulathur.

The esteemed Founder Chancellor, who is also the patron of the Tamil Forum, Dr Paarivendhar chaired the event and delivered an inspiring speech on the significance of the Pongal festival and gave felicitation.

Prof. C. Muthamizhchelvan, Vice Chancellor of SRMIST participated in this event. Mrs. Padmapriya Ravi and Mrs. Manimangai Sathyanarayan graced the occasion as special guest and shared his experiences.

More than 15,000 persons including teachers, non-teaching staff, and students participated in the Pongal festival, which celebrated the greatness of Tamil arts, traditions, and culture, immersing themselves in a grand celebration.

Various competitions were held in poetry, painting, dance, singing, and debate for teachers, non-teaching staff, and students separately for each category. All participants showcased their talents and many of them won prizes.

Various traditional arts such as Mayilattam, Oyilattam, Parai Isai, Kavadiyattam, Poykkal Kudhiraiyattam, and Maadaattam, along with creative performances by students, added to the grandeur of the festival.

On this occasion, all university professors, non-teaching staff, and students came together and enjoyed a festive meal, organized by the university.

Finally, Professor Karu. Nagarajan, the President of the Tamil Forum, delivered the vote of thanks.

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