78th BIS Foundation Day celebrations initiated with Exhibition Carnival in Tirunelveli

Business MInutes

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Madurai celebrated its 78th Foundation Day with a vibrant carnival at Sankar Higher secondary School, Sankar Nagar, Tirunelveli. The event brought together 1300 students, 80 teachers, 200 parents and BIS officials to raise awareness about product quality, certification, and the role of importance of Quality and Standardization in Consumer Goods used in our day-to-day life.

Shri S. D. Dayanand, Senior Director and Head, BIS Madurai presented the welcome address and objectives of the program. Shri K Saravanamuthu, Plant Head, The India Cements Limited, Tirunelveli delivered the inaugural speech. Shri R.V.Srinivasan, Secretary, Sankar Higher Secondary School, presented the keynote address. Shri A Renganathan, Head Master, Sankar Higher Secondary School spoke about the activities conducted by their BIS Standards club and  requested  students to  participate  actively  in  all  competitions  of  the  Carnival.

Shri A. Arivazhagan, Joint Director, BIS, gave a presentation on quality in consumer goods and demonstrated the use of BIS Care app explaining its latest features. A quality pledge was taken by all the 1580 participants present in the program to choose and use quality products.

The event featured 10 stalls displaying BIS-certified products and a science exhibition showcasing innovative Science models by students. Students participated in competitions like Quiz, Poster designing, engaging in fun activities while learning about the importance of quality standards. The parents of the students also enthusiastically participated in competitions and fun games and were rewarded with ISI marked pressure cooker and utensils sponsored by BIS licensees.

Cultural performances by students in the form of Dance, Songs and Skits raised awareness on the importance of purchasing ISI marked products and Hallmarked gold jewellery. The event was covered by DD Podhigai News Channel.

Also awareness games were conducted for parents. Tirunelveli Corporation Mayor G. Ramakrishnan attended the closing ceremony and delivered a special speech. He said BIS should expand these action plans to other schools.

Shri G Ramakrishnan, Hon’ble Mayor, Tirunelveli Corporation graced the Foundation Day Carnival and spoke about the importance of education as a valuable asset. He emphasized on the importance of procuring ISI marked products and hallmarked  jewellery and requested all to purchase Quality goods. He awarded the prize to winning students and parents of various competitions with Cash prizes, certificates and momentos.

The event concluded with a valedictory address by Shri Ganapathi Subramanian, Mentor of BIS Standards Club and Science Teacher from Sankar Higher Secondary School, Sankar Nagar, Tirunelveli. Smt. Hemalatha P. Panicker, Joint Director of BIS, Madurai, delivered the vote of thanks.

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