TNAU Receives National Copyright for Medium Range Weather Forecasting

Business MInutes

The Agro Climate Research Centre (ACRC) at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) has been awarded national copyright for its innovative development of a medium-range weather forecasting system. This breakthrough, achieved with the use of a Weather Research Forecast (WRF) model integrated with the ICON dataset, is poised to revolutionize weather prediction services for Tamil Nadu’s farmers. 

The patent was granted by the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, under the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry. This system developed using bash script, provides high-resolution daily weather forecasts for the state. It aims to help farmers to make better informed decisions regarding their agricultural practices. The medium-range weather forecast, which covers a period of 3 to 7 days. By receiving timely updates, farmers can mitigate crop losses, optimize irrigation schedules, and take necessary precautions against adverse weather conditions. It significantly improve crop yield and contribute to overall agricultural productivity in the state. 

Currently, the forecast system is under evaluation and after evaluation of forecast processed for wider public access. Once available to the farming community, this tool will enhance agricultural resilience and support sustainable farming practices across Tamil Nadu. Through this initiative, TNAU continues to demonstrate its leadership in integrating advanced technology with agriculture, ensuring that the state’s farming community is better equipped to face the challenges posed by unpredictable weather patterns.

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