TNAU inks MoU with M/S. Swelect HHV Solar Photovoltaics Pvt. Ltd

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The Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute (AEC&RI) of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with M/S. Swelect HHV Solar Photovoltaics Pvt. Ltd, Kuppepalayam, Coimbatore. 

SWELECT is one of the leading Solar Power Systems Company with a strong presence in global energy market for over 40 years and highly recognized global industry standard with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification for Solar PV Modules including the high efficiency PERC, To. SWELECT’s core strength lies in technical expertise which is strongly backed with state-of-art manufacturing facilities for Solar PV Modules, Solar PCUs, Structural and Electrical Balance of Systems (BOS) such as Module Mounting Structures (MMS), AJBs, etc.  

The MoU was signed in the presence of Dr.V.Geethalakshmi, Vice Chancellor, Dr. R Thamizh Vendhan, Registrar, Dr. A. Raviraj, Dean (Agrl.Engg.), Dr.S.Narayanan, Director-Operations (Swelect HHV Solar Photovoltaics Pvt. Ltd.) and Dr. D. Ramesh, Professor and Head and other scientists of Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, AEC&RI, TNAU, Coimbatore. 

The purpose of MoU is providing internship opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate students, fostering hands-on experience and skill development trainings in Solar PV domain, supporting career growth through robust placement programs, advancing innovative solutions including research and development of transparent solar modules and other solar photovoltaic technologies for agrarian applications including agrophotovoltaics. The MoU chosen themes will help students, farmers and entrepreneurs gain knowledge and experience on new technologies in the global market.

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