Record Growth in the Number of Airports in India

Business MInutes

India's aviation industry has experienced significant growth in the past 9 years. The number of operational airports in the country has doubled from 74 in 2014 to 148 in 2023. This growth can be attributed to the government's consistent efforts to improve airports and aviation infrastructure. One such initiative is the Regional Connectivity Scheme – Ude Desh ka Aam Nagrik (RCS-UDAN) launched in 2016, under which 469 routes connecting 74 airports have been made operational, providing affordable air travel options for millions of Indians.

Additionally, the increase in airports has been accompanied by continuous efforts towards sustainability. The Level 4+ Carbon Accreditation received by Delhi and Mumbai airports is indicative of the aviation industry's efforts towards sustainability. AAI has developed a roadmap to achieve 100% renewable energy for all its remaining operational airports by 2024, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable practices. The industry is expected to continue to grow and adopt sustainable practices, promoting a cleaner, more efficient, and prosperous aviation industry in India.


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