Governor of Tamil Nadu interacts with FPOs in TNAU

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In commemoration of International Year of Millets 2023 and on the eve of TNAU’s Centennial Year of Millets Research (1923-2023), three-day International Millets Conference 2023 and Futuristic Food Expo' 2023 was organized at TNAU, Coimbatore from June 24 – 26, 2023.  As part of the International Millets Conference, Interactive meeting on “Empowering the Farmer Producers Organizations (FPOs) towards Excellence” was organized on 26th June 2023.  

Hon’ble Governor, Government of Tamil Nadu and Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Thiru.R.N.Ravi participated in the Interactive meeting on Empowering the FPOs towards Excellence and interacted with the members of FPOs.  Hon’ble Governor outlined the visionary schemes of Government of India to achieve the status of Developed India.  Governor has also highlighted the importance of self-reliant movement and inclusive economic growth for prosperity of the People.  More than 50 per cent of Indian population directly and indirectly dependent on agriculture sector.  Hence, he insisted that agricultural economy of the country and farmers’ income should be increased by following the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s seven-point strategies and Agriculture 4.0.  Govt of India through State Government is implementing formation of 10000 FPOs for improving their socio-economic status. FPOs are the only platform to execute market-led agricultural approaches for doubling the farmers’ income, emphasised by the Governor.  FPOs will also provide joint action plan, bargaining power, collective marketing and leadership, told by Governor.  

Issues faced by the FPOs were also discussed through interactive meeting.  Marketing and availability of quality inputs are important issues faced by the farmers and members of FPOs.  FPOs should have robust supply chain management skills, coordination, bargaining power, democratic way of functioning, legal compliance, participatory approaches, timely tapping of right market, collective planning, sharing of resources and strong leaderships are required for empowering the FPOs towards excellence, suggested by Hon’ble Governor as successful strategies for FPOs.  

The TNAU is committed to provide technical guidance and capacity building programmes to the FPOs through MoU.  During the interactive meeting, 10 FPOs from different parts of Tamil Nadu have signed MoUs with TNAU in the presence of Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu.  

FPOs, research institutions, entrepreneurs were displayed the millets technologies and products for creating large scale awareness and commercialization during the program.   Governor also visited and millet exhibition stalls and interacted with millet entrepreneurs.  

Dr.V.Geethalakshmi, Vice Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University highlighted the novel activities implemented by the university namely One TNAU centre One FPO linkage, One faculty One Paper, TNAU Corpus fund, international collaboration, TNAU contribution during last one year, TNAU agricart (buy TNAU farm inputs any where any time) and promotion of TNAU startups during her welcome address.

Self-Reliant India and Inclusive Economic Strategies envisioned and implemented by the Government India are very important for achieving sustainable agricultural development in India, explained by Dr.M.Raveendran, Director of Research during his vote of thanks deliberations.    More than 1000 participants which includes members of FPOs, progressive farmers, entrepreneurs and scientists were benefitted from this program.


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